Institut Risk Management (IRM)®
Viktor Foerster is initiator, foundation member and member of the executive board of the Institut Risk Management (IRM)®. In its legal form, the IRM is organised as a registered, non-profit making association. The IRM envisages the following aims:
Setting up a virtual platform for the development of practice orientated concepts and ideas relating to risk management, in particular, for medium-sized companies.
Development of a curriculum for management training in companies “from practicians for practicians”, in project and company specific identified areas of risk.
Development and application of company specific requirements for commercial handbooks in realtion to quality and risk control within companies.
Linking IRM and universities/high schools and vice versa with the aim to provide companies with science orientated developments and information in a direct applicable form.
Training on contract drafting and contract negotiation techniques (by use of media, e.g. video), subject to international experience from various legal and cultural systems.
Further development of methods and tools for project control and for contract administration (in particular for complex industrial, hardware, and software contracts).
- Use of external academics and professionals to achieve envisaged aims.
- Publications of practice-orientated material.
- Internal IRM quality control of all events offered (talks, in-house seminars, training, workshops) through a qualified body of control (Council).
First usable results have been achieved in cooperation with industry and the university, eg knowledge management project, which has won an award at the BayernOnline congress.
IRM is financed through donations and income from seminars and workshops as well as through the sale of IRM software.